We've Helped Over 21,000 Students Like You!

We help aspiring EMTs accelerate their learning with modern video training, live tutoring and extensive interactive resources inside a convenient online platform. Learn at your own pace and interactively with our world-class and highly qualified educators. The result - becoming the star ⭐️ student in your class and a much better chance of passing on your exams the first time with confidence.

Your Ticket To Success Without The Stress

By becoming an EMT Mastery Member you'll join the 21,000+ people who are already raving about their success!

Is This For You?

Designed from the ground up for people who want the following:

  • Want a Career as an EMT?

    This program was designed by industry leaders in Interactive EMT and Paramedical training for those wanting to move into these fields.

  • A Life With Less Reading

    Textbooks are a fantastic starting point, but what do you learn best from, reading or being taught in a visual way? Most of our students love our visual approach!

  • A Practical Understanding

    There is a difference between memorizing information and understanding it so you can apply it. You want someone to explain these complicated medical emergencies so you understand them.

What's Inside?

Your membership includes all of the following:

  • 24 different courses, full of videos, notes packs and resources to support your entire learning journey

  • Our support team! Chat with our customer service and education team for all your education needs.

  • Access to interactive scenario learning - watch real paramedics manage patients and interact with the scenario to improve your critical thinking

Courses We Offer Our Members

If it's in the textbook, we've made a video on it! Browse our membership bundles and see the courses we can offer you!

The Education Team

We believe that EMS education should be interesting and fun.

More importantly, we believe your continuing education should make you a better practitioner. You will be taught by critical care flight paramedics, special forces paramedics, and community care paramedics. All of us are committed to making your education experience awesome! You will see them in our "Ask A Medic" live student tutoring and courses throughout the membership.

Who's behind EMT Mastery?

Geoff Murphy - Flight Paramedic and Founder of Master Your Medics

Hi, I'm Geoff. For the last 12 years, I've been helping people just like you take that next step and become the EMT they want to be. I'm proud to say that we have helped over 20,000 individuals on this path and I'd like to personally congratulate you right now for making such an important career decision. Our world needs more highly qualified EMT's than ever.

Practical, Step-by-Step Training

Real world training, because you'll need it in the field!

Step out of the classroom and step into our video training sessions where we will show you practical, step-by-step skills where you need to see them, in an ambulance.

Easy To Understand

EMT Training for the visual learner

We have trained over 21,000 aspiring EMT's and Paramedics and one thing that we've learned is that our students do better when we are less 'book' and more 'visual' so that is the way that all of our training is put together. So that you can understand it and use it to succeed.


  • Do you have an exam preparation course?

    We sure do! Our exam preparation course was built with a step-by-step system to improve your confidence and strategically approach your NR exam.

  • Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

    Absolutely, while we'll be sad to see you go, you can cancel easily anytime on your student dashboard.

  • Geoff, how do you come up with your crazy visuals for videos?!

    I'll let you in on my little secret, it's all about thinking like a kid again 😉