Case Breakdowns | Live Classes and Recorded Sessions
Welcome to the Case Study Breakdown course! Here you can access live case breakdown sessions or watch recorded content!
Live Case Details | December 20th, 2024
How To Manage a COPD Patient | Case Study Breakdown (Dec. 2nd, 2022)
Managing an ARDS Patient | Case Study Breakdown (Dec. 9th, 2022)
Managing a Congestive Heart Failure Patient | Jan 27th, 2023 CSB
COPD Patients | Feb. 3rd, 2023 Case Study Breakdown
Pathophysiology of Tension Pneumothorax | Case Study Breakdown (Feb. 24th, 2023)
Managing a Patient with an Inferior Myocardial Infarction | Case Study Breakdown (Mar. 3rd, 2023)
Managing a Patient with a Complete Heart Block | Case study Breakdown (March 10th, 2023)
Managing a Patient in PEA Arrest | Case Study Breakdown (March 17th, 2023)
Ventricular Arrythmia | Case Study Breakdown
Managing a Patient with Heart Failure | Case Study (March 31st, 2023)
Using ETCO2 in Cardiac Arrest | Case Study Breakdown (June 16th, 2023)
ROSC Management | Case Study Breakdown
Managing a Hyperkalemia | Case Breakdown (October 4th, 2024)
Tension Pneumothorax | Case Breakdown (August 30th, 2024)
Asthma Review | Case Study Breakdown (Feb. 17th, 2023)
Asthma Exacerbation | Case Breakdown (August 23rd, 2024)
Managing a Respiratory Failure Patient | Case Breakdown (September 27th, 2025)
Neonatal Resuscitation | Case Study Breakdown (August 25th, 2023)
Placental Abruption | Case Study Breakdown (August, 11th, 2023)
Eclampsia Management | Case Breakdown (August 16th, 2024)
Neonatal Resuscitation | Case Details (August 9th, 2024)
Managing Pelvic Trauma | Case Study Breakdown (DEc 16th, 2022)
Managing a Patient with a Head Injury | Case Study Breakdown (April 28th, 2023)
Internal Hemorrhage | Case Study Breakdown (May 18th, 2023)
Airway Burn Management | Case Study Breakdown (September 1st, 2023)
Managing Post Partum Hemorrhage | August 18th, 2023
Gun Shot Wound Management | July 19th, 2024
Chest Trauma Management | Case Breakdown (July 26th, 2024)